速報APP / 健康塑身 / Running To The Beat

Running To The Beat





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:7206 n. Wolcott Unit 2c Chicago, il 60626

Running To The Beat(圖1)-速報App

Running To The Beat takes motivation and energy output to the next level, burning severe calories and creating better overall health for its users. Our music has been scientifically proven to help inspire individuals to push thru their workouts. Thru the use of music therapy, we focus on removing the individual from the exercise by dissociation thru music. By creating a musical journey that is meaningful, harmonic, therapeutic and energetic, we help you Forget, Dream, and Get Lost in their head. We put runners in a hypnotic state which makes them feel relaxed, at ease but yet full of energy. Our music enables individuals to solve their problems and be very creative while exercising. Experience the Creativity of the Beat! Our music has a purpose. Each mix is intelligent, sophisticated and specially designed for indoor and outdoor running. There is always a warm-up, peak, and cool down section. We create musical soundscapes for your runs around the world. Experience the Journey of the Beat! Our music has been scientifically proven to help inspire and push individuals thru their workouts. And our music has been tested and shown to push runners above and beyond their limits. Each song has a place and time. No more stale playlists, no more skipping thru tracks, no more iPhone or Computer hassles. Experience the Power of the Beat!

Running To The Beat(圖2)-速報App

Running To The Beat(圖3)-速報App

Running To The Beat(圖4)-速報App

Running To The Beat(圖5)-速報App

Running To The Beat(圖6)-速報App

Running To The Beat(圖7)-速報App

Running To The Beat(圖8)-速報App

Running To The Beat(圖9)-速報App